Susanna's Place
Welcome to my blog. Hope you enjoy it. I am in Hawaii on a long-term project and wanted to share with everyone back home. This is a place for me to share things with family and friends.
28 September 2005
ZooParent Night
This year's attraction was the new baby Amur Tiger cubs. At 4 mos. old they are keeping their Mom pretty busy!
You can help! Become a ZooParent and provide the best for one - or more - of our animals. Adopt a "wild child."
20 September 2005
Labor Day Fireworks
Fireworks Extravaganza at the Genesee Country Village is always a family favorite on Labor Day weekend. There are plenty of things to do from the games on the big meadow, to the auction and let's not forget the picnic.
At the end of the evening the celebration concludes with a show of spectacular aerial displays, music, specially designed set pieces and narration. This year's theme was Travel America.
For more information about the museum and it's activities you can go to
Trip to NYC - Ground Zero Site
Four years later, and the site of the World Trade Center Towers still finds New Yorkers and tourists alike stopping to read the names and recognize the importance of this space.
The struggle of today, is not altogether for today - it is for a vast future also. With a reliance on Providence, all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the great task which events have devolved upon us.
07 September 2005
06 September 2005
NYS Festival of Balloons - Dansville, NY 2005

The goal of the festival is to provide entertainment and enjoyment to our spectators, bring visitors to our community, and share our profits with local charities. Over the years an average of 35,000 spectators per year visit our valley to enjoy the festival.

To find out more about the 2005 festival you can go to
The Cat Fast Ferry: Rochester - Toronto

This picture is of the Rochester-Toronto fast ferry "Spirit of Ontario 1" docking in Toronto. The Fast Ferry travels between Rochester and Toronto daily. The service is owned by the Rochester Ferry company and managed by Bay Ferries, Inc.
For more information checkout their website at